
Ecological Outcome Verification monitoring

What's in it for your business?

EOV Ecological Outcome Verification checks if your management decisions are actually improving your landscape function.

The 15 indicators we monitor map to the 4 Ecosystem processes - Water cycle, Mineral cycle, Energy Flow(sunlight capture) and diversity. As these 4 functions improve, so does the resilience of your Ag business. With annual monitoring you can use your data to make better management decisions. Your data is also verified by EOV QA; if you obtain EOV you are able to access the Land to Market (L2M) seal and supply chain options.

The EOV program

Your first monitoring is your Baseline Year (or Year 0) where we set up Short Term and Long Term sites, including soil testing and water infiltration measurements. We GPS them so you won't have stakes etc in your paddock. Short term sites are monitored annually, long term every 5 years.

What happens next?

The EOV steps:

  1. Once you submit this you will receive another form requesting information about your property.

  2. One of our EOV monitors will be in touch to arrange monitoring date and create a monitoring plan

  3. After monitoring, your data is sent to Global Assurance team at the Savory Institute for verification.

  4. You will receive a link to your data report and a booking link to review with a verifier

  5. We offer you a range of professional support especially tailored to the needs arising from the data review, that support your management decisions towards improved ecological health

  6. Once your data has been verified by the Savory Institute, you will receive your Land Regeneration Status.

  7. Landbases that demonstrate a trajectory of improving ecological health are then invited to join the Land to Market program as suppliers of a regenerative product.

Your details

You don't need to be a member to benefit from the EOV service, however, with the 20% Member discount on Baseline monitoring, it covers the fees for your 1st year membership. That's just the start of the many member benefits we offer.

To join the Co-op the annual membership is $900 pro-rated monthly, plus $600 for 3 shares ( minimum requirement), a $1500 investment.

Network connections

If you want to join the growing network of land managers who don't just think their land is regenerating but know it.... leave your links here

Yes, no....maybe?

Almost there

By signing and submitting this form you agree to

  • Personally (or have your your representative) attend your Monitoring event (unless extenuating circumstances occur)

  • Provide a vehicle along safe and respectful environment for our monitors when they visit

  • Attend a data review with a Verifier

  • Receive information and participate in our events for further education and support, to assist you with your Holistic Management knowledge/implementation and EOV improvement.

  • Pay the monitoring service invoice within the 30 day terms.

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the Australian Holistic Management Cooperative